Nuclear power

For South-Ukraine NPP we have developed detailed design for the reconstruction of 6 kV switchgear of common-unit sections at Units 1 and 2, modernization of I&C for SNE TO and RO at Units 2 and 3, replacement of pressurized passages at Unit 3.
Basic and detailed design was developed for the South-Ukraine NPP: replacement of 0VT01 transformer arresters with surge arresters at power unit No. 1, replacement of a voltage transformer of the NDE-750-72U1 type, replacement of 6kV and 0.4kV circuit breakers in the SB channels and at the SVB at power unit No. 3, reconstruction of the turbine generator control system at power unit No. 3, implementation of a system for storing information during design basis and beyond design basis accidents (“black box") at power unit No. 3.
For Khmelnytsky NPP, basic and detailed design has been developed for the modernization of the generator excitation system at power units No. 1 and 2.
For Rivne NPP, a detailed design was developed for the modernization of the generator excitation system at power units No. 1 and 2, as well as basic design for the modernization of the automatic fire alarm system of the premises at power unit No. 4.